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Two Paths in the Literary Woods – ePioneers


Since this is a blog about writing, I figured I’d better updating you on my writing. Some very interesting events have occurred in the past two weeks that led me into a deep state of thought. Basically, I was handed yet another load of information on my book, but this time it was from an expert in the field whom I trust, and it felt like the final blow. I took that information, past information, reviews, critiques, my hopes and dreams, and everything I’ve learned over the past couple of years, mashed them together in my brain and found myself at a crossroads.

Here are the facts:

1- My book is complete at 60k words. I am happy with the basic plot and structure.

2- I’m a decent writer, so the book, while not everyone’s favorite, does not suck completely.

3- It’s dystopian enough that I can’t escape that label no matter how hard I try. If I’d completed it two years ago instead of putting it away for a bit (I was kind of busy having a baby) then I probably could have sold it and rolled in on the wave of dystopian YA that’s hitting America like a tsunami right now, but I’m too late and that’s ok. I really don’t regret taking time off to care for my little chubba-bubba and let myself heal.

4- All of my beta readers, strangers and friends, loved the book. (Ya, ya, I know this information is biased, but it still makes a girl feel good:)

So given those facts I felt I had two choices:

Tuck this book away in my folder labeled “Things I Might Need Later” (yes, this is a real folder on my computer), which would be like trying to tuck away a hangnail.


Self publish.

In the past self publishing meant investing thousands of dollars in hard copy books you had to peddle at state fairs and church bazaars and would probably end up using as coffee tables and door stops later in life. Bonus: You knew what you were giving everyone for Christmas that year.. and the next, and the next…. Oh yah, and you were generally thought of as pig-headed and crazy by the publishing world at large.

Today, however, thanks to ebooks (which I heart almost as much as mp3s) the self publishing world is completely different. I have a million options for putting this book out there, and that’s really what it’s all about. I’m not in this for fame, fortune or movie rights. I just want to share my stories with the world.

Drum roll please: I’ve decided to self publish this book.

NOW comes the fun part! My To Do list is a million miles long. But it feels good. I love working vs. waiting. I love actively moving myself to where I need to be rather than waiting for an agent or editor to fall in love with me and take me there. That’s not to say I don’t still want to find that “one great literary lover” and land a deal with the big six, who doesn’t?! And I’m working on a new book right now that will knock their socks off… I just know it :) But in the mean time, this little work of fiction I’ve poured so much into deserves its moment to shine as well.

Here are my new choices:

1- Publish my book a chapter at a time here, on my blog.

2- Publish with Amazon and the like.  This entails hiring an editor and formatting and a bit of time and money. Which also means I would have to spend more time marketing to try to recoup some of that money.

3- Publishing with some place that does hard copies, like Lulu, so that I have Christmas presents for all my friends and family for generations to come.

Since my book is largely dark and depressing, packed with action and intrigue, I’m not sure it screams “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!”  So, #3 is out.

And since I can’t seem to get one regular blog out a week, or keep track of my book files to save my life, publishing on my blog would probably be a HUGE nightmare. I can picture it now.. me posting the first three thrilling chapters then accidentally posting chapter five giving away the fact that people die.. etc. etc. That’s not to say I don’t want to try this in the future. I think writing chapter by chapter and posting in the raw is a great way to stay on your toes, but I don’t think it’s a great idea for the here and now.

“Monty! Give me door number 2!!!”

Are you sure? Are you really sure? Because you’ll get a reputation as a self published author. Agents won’t want to touch you with a ten foot pole! Editors will think you’re a head strong renegade! You’ll never work in this town again!!!

Yes, I’m sure. I spent a lot of time thinking about it, writing more bad poetry, and I’m sure. I don’t think it’s as bad as you think it is. I have a lot of respect for folks that are out there indy pubbing (see, I’m already learning the lingo!) and marketing and learning the ropes the hard way, on their own. They are like ePioneers and I’m excited to join them. I’m also excited about sharing this new adventure with all of you along the way. The Great American Self Publishing Road Trip!

Can I get an AMEN?

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